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Click one of the links to the right or above to find a designer, dressmaker, seamstress, alterationist, sewing teacher, pattern maker, or other fashion professional by location or specialty. If you are a dressmaker, go to the "Join" page to be listed among the professionals here. If you are a very experienced dressmaker, learn about becoming professionally certified here.
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Or, if you want to find the materials you need to make something, or to have something made, here's an ever-updated NYC and environs map you can purchase to help you find a physical or online vendor!
Use ths link below to purchase an ever-updated map of garments district stores selling the suppliers people who make need! Many have been serving the industrty and creatives for quite a long time, and know their stuff!
Maps are $18, and are sent to you as a private link.
Last updated: 9-August-2024
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