Sewing and dressmaking questions answered... professionally.
If you have a question about sewing, dressmaking, or other related topics, you may ask it here. Quick answers are free, researched answers (with cited professional sources) are available for a fee, depending on the complexity of the question. For answers to basic sewing questions, visit this page first. Scroll down on this page for the form to ask your own question!

Recently answered questions:

    Thinking of starting or growing a custom sewing business? Find out how here.
    My wedding gown needs a bit more room. Can a zip-up back be converted to a lace-up to give me the room I need?
    I have my own design sketched out. How do I find a dressmaker who can make it?
    I have a patent for a new product. Is there someone who will make a prettier version for me to use as a sample to present to potential vendors?
    Is there a sewing teacher who will give me private lessons?

Ask a dressmaker
Last updated: 22-June-2021
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